Co-op Trainings Hosted at Statewide Office

OEC offered an in-person training, Electricity: How it is Delivered and Cooperative Knowledge, at the statewide office in Columbus, on March 2 and 3, with 26 attendees from 11 cooperatives. This two-day session will be repeated on April 13 and 14, so more cooperative staff can participate. If you have staff interested in attending the April session, please register via the private site.

Day one focused on electric principles, terminology, and components of the electric system, how the industry – internationally, nationally, regionally and on a state-wide basis – operates, and the cooperative role. We’ll also look at what is going on the industry today with renewables, electric storage, and other advances in electric generation; and how the developing smart grid and new technology is affecting the industry.

Day two focused on the history of electricity and of the electric cooperatives. Participants will learn how electricity and electric cooperatives raised the standard of living for rural America, and the cooperative’s role in the economic development of rural areas. The origins of the Seven Cooperative Principles, as well as what each really means to the cooperative way of doing business, and how cooperatives are leading the way in continuing the legacy of cooperative leaders/employees will be discussed.

The Ballard Group principal and instructor Debra Ballard brings a thorough knowledge of operations in the electric utility industry, including 12 years at an electric cooperative where she served in several capacities including quality service, marketing, working with media, and public relations initiatives.

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